All About Cockroaches


All About Cockroaches

The better we know the insects around us, the better we can protect our homes from an infestation. Meaning, if you know how cockroaches act, and what they are attracted to, you can take preventative measures that will keep the cockroaches out of your home.


Bugs, Buying Used, & How You Can Protect Your Home


Bugs, Buying Used, & How You Can Protect Your Home

Buying used items is a great way to save money, and be more mindful of waste. We love companies such as: Craigslist, Facebook, Salvation Army, and Goodwill, who have made it easier to recycle used items and reduce waste. That being said, have you ever wondered whether or not an item is safe to bring into your home? Does that beautiful couch have a cockroach infestation?  It is a very easy way to introduce pests to your home. Rest assured, we want you to be able to buy that beautiful couch with confidence that your home is safe. If you are big on buying used items, here’s a guide on how to buy used items safely without bringing unwanted pests into your home. 


5 Ways To Kill Bugs On a Budget


5 Ways To Kill Bugs On a Budget

Bugs are so annoying as a homeowner. A lot of the time it is hard to find the money pest control when you regularly have so many other things going on in your home. There are several cost effective ways to take care of these problems yourself before contacting an expert. Here are our top 5 budget friendly ways to kill low risk bugs in your home.
