Dealing with bed bugs is a nightmare and one of the many steps to consider is what to do with the bed bug infested mattress. 

Our first recommendation is to simply keep the mattress and have a pest control company do an inspection first and foremost. In most instances, a full bed bug treatment that includes treating the mattress itself is enough to eradicate a bed bug population if everything is done right. However, some people want to get rid of their mattress first and foremost before getting treatment or are (understandably) too creeped out to hold onto a once bug infested bed. Fortunately, Los Angeles and the surrounding LA County offer many options for mattress disposal.

First and foremost simply throwing out an infected mattress and replacing it will NOT rid your home of the pest. It is a common misconception that bed bugs only live in your bed. Bed bugs feed on blood often while people are asleep, and bed bugs eggs are often laid and hatched in mattress, but bed bugs are not exclusive to mattresses. After feeding, mature bed bugs crawl into dark corners along floorboards, or dresser drawers to digest. Therefore if you replace a mattress, but fail to take any other precautions, bed bugs WILL return. 

If you do decide to discard your infected mattress, here are some tips to do it effectively and safely. Removing a mattress greatly raises the risk of spreading the pest throughout your home. The best way to prevent this is to wrap your mattress and bedspring in plastic wrap in the infected room. This can be done with painter’s plastic and duct tape or plastic shrink wrap. Whatever material you choose, the objective is to seal your mattress so that bed bugs do not become dislodged as you drag the mattress out of your home. The timing of removal is also important. You do not want your infested mattress spending days sitting on the curb for two reasons. First, the longer the mattress sits on the curb, the more likely bed bugs are to find their way out of the plastic and possibly wonder back into your home. Secondly, the longer your mattress is out on the curb, the more likely someone is to come around and take your mattress home, making your bed-bug problem their bed bug problem. Once your mattress is out on the curb, it is important to clearly mark your mattress as infected. Spray-paint in bright colors “BED BUGS”. If you are disposing of infested furniture, such as couches, it is important to try and ruin the structure of the furniture, like breaking the frame of the couch, or ripping cushions. It is important to do this because a couch on the curb is very likely to get scooped up. 

Once the mattress is out of the infected room, it is important to make sure the room is completely clear of bugs. The best place to start is with a thorough vacuuming, being sure to pay attention to the corners and baseboards. Dressers should also be unloaded and vacuumed, and any bug accessible clothes should be inspected and washed in hot water. Your closet floor should also be inspected. Things like shoes and bags that are often kept in closets are great places for bed bugs to hide in-between feedings. Even after a detailed cleaning, it is still a smart idea to take precautions with your new mattress. One of the most effective tools to combat a re-infestation is a mattress cover, like this one. This plastic incasing prevents any bed bugs from being able to enter your mattress. If your mattress has any bugs, this will prevent them from returning. After the hard work and financial investment of a new mattress, it would be a very wise idea to secure your investment. 

Just because your mattress is plastic-wrapped, labeled and on the curb does not mean it will magically disappear. A mattress is a bulk item, and will not be picked up by your weekly trash services. Mattresses are considered a “bulky” item and a special pick-up must be scheduled. Luckily, this is an easy task. 

  • City of Los Angeles: If your trash is handled by the City of Los Angeles Sanitaion, the city offers free bulky item pick-up. Simply, call 1-800-773-2489, Monday through Friday, between 7:30 a.m. and 4:45 p.m., at least one day before your regular collection day. Bulky items are collected on the day of your regular trash collection day. This link will also provide an online form to schedule a pick up.
  • Waste Management Costumers: Many LA County residents are serviced by Waste Management and like LA Sanitation they too offer bulk item pick up. Waste Management services include one free bulky item pick-up, otherwise they charge $15 per cubic foot. Waste Management also offers an annual free bulky item drop off in June. To schedule a bulk item pick up call (866) 844-1508 or email
  • 1-800-Got-Junk: This private nation-wide junk removal service offers 24/7 costumer service. Call them at 1-800-468-5865 to schedule a pick-up, upon arrival they will give you a quote to remove your mattress or furniture. Their service includes curbside clean up. Though not the cheapest disposal service but, 1-800-Got-Junk is reliable and professional. 
  • Private Trash Removal Services: There are dozens of private trash-haulers. They range greatly in price, and professionalism. A simple Google search will bring up a list of haulers in your area, like this list for LA area services. 
